What we do
We provide a range of information
- Local Directories of Mental Health Services
- Themed information booklets, e.g., for counselling services, young people
- We also distribute information through our networks, newsletters, padlet, ebulletins and podcasts
We provide a range of training including
- A programme of annual training for voluntary groups.
- Training co-produced with people with lived mental health experience
- A menu of trainers and agencies providing training
We offer development support and funding information for voluntary sector and community groups through our info services and in response to requests.
We have also for example, co-ordinated the Dementia Friendly Communities Small Grants Fund on behalf of the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board, to enable community groups to embed local initiatives, and the Winter Wellbeing Small Grants Fund to support peer led group initiatives.
We liaise with voluntary groups, service users and carers and other stakeholders through networks and conference events to
- identify needs and gaps in services,
- support and build partnerships
- support the development of mental health initiatives.
Connecting people- facilitating networks and joint working
cavamh supports groups and individuals to connect and participate in the co-production of local services
Operating through networks and interest groups we
- Share information,
- Debate best practice
- Identify unmet needs and local priorities
- Co-ordinate collective communication with statutory agencies
- Offer mutual support
We facilitate networks for voluntary sector groups, people with mental health lived experience and carers through:
- Cardiff and Vale Mental Health Forum – the network for voluntary sector groups operating in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan and through interest groups of the Forum.
Influencing Change
We support people and groups to influence change by
- Promoting consultations and co-ordinating responses
- Undertaking surveys and focus groups
- Facilitating discussions and dialogue
Promoting mental health awareness
We raise awareness of positive mental health and wellbeing by:
- Communicating positive messages through a range of media.
- Sharing wellbeing resources
- Co-ordinating mental health awareness training
- Co-ordinating activities for World Mental Health Day and other initiatives.
- We work with Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff City Council to develop and provide Co-production Training and consultancy to both Local Authorities to support them to develop, implement and evaluate services with citizens.