Our friendly and hardworking staff team
Linda Newton
I’ve been at cavamh since 1997 and feel privileged over the years to be linking with so many committed voluntary groups and organisations with an interest in mental health, with statutory partners and with so many wonderful and committed people with lived experience, all aiming to improve mental health services for the people who use them.
I specifically support all the voluntary sector groups with an interest in mental health in Cardiff and Vale through Cardiff and Vale Mental Health Forum and its activities – with our focus on involvement and co-production, networking and development, information and training and the collective voice of the voluntary sector in the planning and development of mental health services.
If you would like to find out more, or are interested in joining the Forum, please don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]
Caroline Fellows
I deal with all the administration and finances of Cavamh. I produce MHF e-bulletins, other flyer, leaflets and magazines as required, send out the mailings, take minutes and general other office tasks. In addition to the above I am part of the cavamh communications team, working on the website and social media – if you have anything that you would like me to share with our followers please email [email protected]
Alisha Barnard
Website Co-ordinator
My role is to act as the webadmin for our website and social forums – alot of what I do is “behind the scenes” ensuring the smooth functioning of the website and keeping everything thing up to date and relevant. I coordinate the cavamh communications team and will be working closely with volunteers and contributors to our online activities.
I would very much welcome your contributions to the website such as articles, poems, artwork, book recommendations or details of up coming events, training courses and workshops open to people in Cardiff & The Vale.
If you have any queries, spot any mistakes or would like to add something please email me at:
Ravinder Vedi
Small Groups Development Officer
My role is to support the development of new and existing small mental health groups and organisations with governance, funding & planning.
I have over 25 years experience as a community worker in Wales and England working with communities to set up , run and fund their community groups and organisations including charities and social enterprises. I also have experience of setting up, running and assessing grants.
Please get in touch if you would like support in setting up or running your group – I would love to hear from you !