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Privacy Policy

Who we are

Cavamh (Cardiff & Vale Action for Mental Health) supports voluntary sector, service user and carer involvement in the development of mental health services across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Cavamh is the Data Controller.

Purpose of the Privacy Policy

This privacy notice covers all personal data that is gathered by cavamh. Our privacy notice explains how cavamh uses personal data.

Cavamh is committed to respecting your privacy and keeping your personal data safe.

Why cavamh collects data

In accordance with cavamh Articles of Association and aims and objectives, cavamh collects personal data to:

  • Share information relevant to our members
  • Keep a record of cavamh members
  • Provide directories of services in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan
  • Respond to requests for information, services, enquiries or complaints
  • Monitor and evaluate its service
  • Recruit and employ staff
  • Keep records of contracts and suppliers
  • Keep records of services or products bought by cavamh or bought from us

How cavamh collects data

The personal information we collect has mostly been received directly from you, through membership forms and other sign-up forms (e.g. at events or meetings), by telephone or email request, by contact through social media and through job applications.

What data is collected and where it is stored: cavamh uses Mailchimp (which is GDPR compliant) and an internal database which is encrypted and only accessible to cavamh staff.

Email addresses may also be stored in email client address books. Cavamh email is provided by Google’s G Suite for Non-Profit which is GDPR compliant. All email accounts have a secure password and all cavamh PCs are also password protected and locked when not in use.

For emailings, name and email address are stored in mailchimp. If we have other contact details on record they will be stored in the cavamh database.

  • For hardcopy mailings name and address are stored in the cavamh database, and optionally, telephone and email address. For monitoring and membership purposes, and if the information is given to us, we also record whether someone is a carer, service user and/or member of a voluntary sector or statutory sector organisation and if they are, their job title.
  • If you apply for a job with us we will collect information about your employment history, qualifications and references.
  • If you work or volunteer for us, we will collect and use additional personal information such as financial details.
  • If you fill in any questionnaires, surveys, or feedback forms we will collect your experiences, opinions and any information you are happy to share with us.
  • If you visit we may collect certain technical information, such as browsing activity and IP address. We use this information to monitor visitor numbers and behaviour to our website.
  • For monitoring purposes, we may ask for information on equalities characteristics, this is anonymous.
  • Financial information may also be collected and is securely stored.

Sharing data

Personal data will not be shared with anyone outside of cavamh without consent. The only exception is that if we feel your safety or someone else’s safety is at risk we may call the emergency services.

Opting out and amending data

Anyone on the cavamh database can opt out at any time by request. Requests can be made to any member of cavamh staff, in writing to 84 Glebe Street, Penarth CF64 1EF, by calling 029 2022 2000 or by emailing

To be removed from any mailchimp mailing, click the ‘unsubscribe’ button included on every mailing, or subscribers can contact cavamh using the above contact information to request removal.

If your personal data changes, please contact us by the methods described above.

Accessing the data we hold

You may request access to the information you have supplied at any time by contacting us by the methods described above under ‘Opting out and amending data’.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data-sharing issues, or if you should ever be dissatisfied with the way we have handled your personal data you can call the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

ICO Wales contact details:

Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales
2nd Floor
Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH

Telephone: 029 2067 8400
Fax: 029 2067 8399

ICO Head Office details:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745
Fax: 01625 524510

Policy agreed 25/05/2018