
Live Q&A – Bipolar UK

Join us for two Live Q&As on our eCommunity where you can ask our experts all your research-related questions:


  • 15pm – 2pm, Monday 7 August– join consultant psychiatrist Dr Niraj Ahuda to find out about Newcastle University’s ASCEnD trial which is helping researchers understand which bipolar treatments work better.
  • 15pm – 2pm, Wednesday 4 September– join our Research Manager Dr Talen Wright to get answers to any questions about our growing research community and the various projects you can get involved in.


Our eCommunity is a free, safe space with over 15,000 members. Log in any time of the day or night to chat to people who really understand bipolar.

If you’re not a member, why not join for free now?

We look forward to welcoming you.

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