
Heart of Help

Platfform, Traumatic Stress Wales (TSW) and Trauma-informed Wales are delighted to invite you to the report launch of the Heart of Help: Listening and learning from people with experience of substance use and sanctuary seeker services in Wales.

This is a piece of work that puts people’s lived experience front and centre and poses a series of questions that can be used by practitioners, policymakers and others to guide changes in their own systems.

: Thursday 25th July

: 13:00-16:00

: Norwegian Church | Arts Centre, Harbour Dr, Cardiff CF10 4PA.

You can register for the launch event here.


This piece of work was commissioned by Traumatic Stress Wales, with the support of the National Lottery Community Fund, to support the implementation of the Wales Traums-informed  Framework.

It explores the understanding and experiences of adversity and trauma from the perspective of people with lived experience of using substances or seeking sanctuary and provides a rich source of Information, findings and recommendations.

The hope is that this report can be used by organisations and practitioners across Wales to reflect and to act on the discussions and findings to ensure that people who use substances or are seeking sanctuary are able to get the right support based on their needs from trauma-informed services, systems and society.

The key relational values and the shared reflections throughout the report, have helped identify some key recommendations for the implementation of the Trauma-Informed Wales Framework. Some of these may already be underway, others may be highly aspirational, but they reflect key themes from the report that should be useful in taking forward the creation of a trauma-informed Wales.

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