
Big Asthma Bake Sale 2024



Get ready to bake a difference with the Big Asthma Bake Sale 2024! This delicious event combines the joy of baking with the important cause of raising awareness and funds for asthma research and support. Join bakers and supporters from around the community to help make a significant impact.



What is the Big Asthma Bake Sale?


The Big Asthma Bake Sale is an annual fundraising event that encourages individuals, schools, and businesses to host bake sales to support asthma research and patient support services. It’s a fun and engaging way to contribute to a vital cause while enjoying some homemade treats.



When is the Big Asthma Bake Sale?


The Big Asthma Bake Sale takes place throughout the month of May, aligning with Asthma Awareness Month. Participants can choose any day in May to host their own bake sale event.



How to Get Involved


  • Host a Bake Sale: Set up a bake sale at your school, workplace, or community center. Offer a variety of baked goods and inform customers about the cause you are supporting.
  • Participate Online: If you prefer to bake at home, you can sell your goods through social media or community platforms and donate the proceeds.
  • Donate Directly: If baking isn’t your thing, you can still contribute by making a direct donation to asthma research organizations.
  • Spread the Word: Use social media to promote your bake sale and the cause. Share recipes, photos, and stories to engage your community.
  • Engage Local Businesses: Partner with local bakeries or cafes to sponsor your bake sale or donate goods.



History of the Event


The Big Asthma Bake Sale began as a community initiative to fundraise for asthma research in response to the increasing need for new treatments and improved patient care. It quickly gained popularity, becoming a nationwide event that brings together communities with the shared goal of supporting those affected by asthma.




Information source: https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/big-asthma-bake-sale-2024/

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