
Black & Minority Ethnic Group [BME]

Meets bi-monthly

The aim of the Group is to improve services for people with mental health needs from black and minority ethnic communities (aged 16+) in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan by:

  • Raising awareness
  • Improving access
  • Influencing service development


  • To provide a collective voice for groups with an interest in mental health from a black and minority ethnic perspective to inform the planning and delivery of services
  • To provide an opportunity for networking and building partnerships for action – a place for people to share initiatives, information, and expertise.
  • To be responsible for drafting and delivering on a jointly agreed action plan
  • To build awareness of early intervention & transition in mental health services from children through to young people through to adults.

To join the group contact [email protected]
For meeting dates see under events on the news and resources page.

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