List of funders that fund all year round
“Plan your application in detail. Poor planning is a common cause of unsuccessful applications.”
– BBC Children in Need

Allen Lane
Average grant: £5,000-£6,000
Apply anytime: Yes
• Fund smaller organisations with an income of £100,000 or less.
• Cross UK work income must be £250,000.
Priorities: Young People, Asylum seekers & refugees, Gypsy, Roma & Travellers. Offenders & ex-offenders, Older people, People experiencing mental health problems, People experiencing violence or abuse.

The Ashley Family Foundation
We favour requests from organisations whose income is below £2m.
We fund requests up to £10,000 and which represent at least 10% of the overall project cost.
We fund revenue proposals, not capital requests.
Funding is generally awarded to one-off projects. We will however consider funding up to 3 years if the project requires it – subject to satisfactory monitoring and review.
Grants are made to organisations registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales or Companies House (such as Community Interest Companies). We will consider unregistered organisations when supported by a registered charity or charitable company, who can receive the funds on their behalf.

Arts Council Wales – Capital Lottery Funding
Funding for small capital projects:
• Improving access
• Sustainable energy initiatives
• Minor adaptations to buildings
Please contact them first if you want to apply for a grant.
Email: [email protected]

Awards for All Wales – National Lottery
£300 – £20,000 for up to 2 years.
Projects & activities that strengthen & connect people & communities; support communities facing challenges.
Apply anytime

Architectural Heritage Fund Wales Guidelines
Capital grants – buildings
Apply anytime – Monthly decisions.
• Just starting out – Project Viability Grant Up to £10,000.
• Ready to move forward: Project Development Grant Up to £20,000 Monthly decisions.
• Ready to restore your building Capital Work Grant Up to £50,000. Decisions once a year.
General guidance: the project involves an historic building.
• Listed – Category I, II – Please refer to website.

B & Q Foundation
Providing grants of up to £10,000 & up to £5000 for a wide range of charities who are looking for funding to improve or develop spaces that benefit their local communities.Guidance
Grants up to £10,000 for building or indoor projects, & up to £5,000 for garden projects. Provide funding that covers the full cost for the completion of the project, so include an estimated value of staff time required.

BBC Children in Need Wales (CiN)
Project grants: Projects under £15,000 have a quicker response.
For projects/ organisations supporting children & young people living in Vale of Glamorgan
Apply anytime
Core funding: As above, but a 2-stage process.
Applying for more than £15,000 – must be a registered charity/ registered with Companies House or a regulator.
Funding for 1-3 years
Maximum is £120,000 (e.g., £40,000 over 3 years). Funder is making fewer larger grants.
BBC Children in Need Core Costs
Grants for up to three years; quicker decisions for grants of £15,000 or less per year
Support essential organisational and administrative spending for work targeting disadvantaged children and young people (up to the age of 18). These are the key expenses required to keep your organisation running.
Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust
Amounts vary – from £2500 to £50,000 plus from 1 to 3 years . Seems to be for registered charities ; Grants for Child health, development, disability; mental health, race equality , displaced people. Tip: check out their accounts on the Charity Commission Website, as the Trust do ot have a website
Apply in writing to the correspondent: Mark Woodruff C/O The Giving Department, Sky Light City Tower, 50 Basinghall Street, EC2V 5DE

Bernard Sunley Foundation
For: Charities, CIOs, Certain organisations with exempt status such as cooperatives, community benefit societies. specialist schools, scout & guide groups, housing associations.
1-year grants
Mainly capital costs – building or refurbishment & minibuses.
Funding themes : Community, education, health & social welfare.
Supports charities working to raise the quality of life and provide greater opportunities for the young, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged.

Charles Hayward Foundation
For registered charities only . Small grants of up to £7000 for supporting older peoples mental health and wellbeing

Comic Relief
Scheme on hold – Please check website for updates

Clothworkers Foundation
Capital Projects for charities & not for profit organisations with an income of less than £250,000.
Larger projects of £100,000+ will receive 10% or more of the balance to be raised.
Smaller projects of less than £10,000 will receive 50% – 100%
Apply anytime.
Grants for: Buildings; fixtures & fittings; equipment. Vehicles: unlikely to fund the total cost of a new vehicle; no leasing.
Digital infrastructure guidance.
At least 50% of service users benefiting from the capital project must be from one or more priority groups:
Alcohol/substance, older people, prisoners/prison leavers, visual impairment, people with disabilities, domestic violence, sexual abuse, young people, disadvantaged minority communities.

Community Facilities Programme Welsh Government
Temp stop from 14th Nov
Capital only for community buildings; encourage / prefer partnership projects.
£5000- £25,000 – response within 60 working days
£25,001- £300,000 – 2 stage process (stage 1 response 30 working days) & at least 3 partners
Apply anytime.
Capital: Purchase / physical improvement of community facilities; can include building & professional fees directly related to the physical works (including non-recoverable VAT).
Equipment: eligible where a project includes the fitting out of a new facility such as a kitchen or IT suite.
Will not fund vehicles, replacement of furniture, equipment or updating of ICT.
Community Foundation in Wales (CFIW)
A range of local, regional or national grants from 1-3 years e.g., Fund for Wales.
• Subscribe to their newsletter
• Check for grants available
>> Cardiff
>> Vale of Glam
- Look at their tips videos ( insert link ) for better applications.
• Book a call with a grant officer.( insert link)
Application dates vary – please check the website