Newsflash!! Funding closing dates!
Financial Wellbeing Grant
There are still funds available as part of the Financial Wellbeing Grant but only for Cardiff residents. You could receive a voucher of up to £300 to alleviate financial hardship.
For more information visit the TuVida’s website here: Carers Financial Wellbeing Service | TuVida .
Screwfix Foundation
The next deadlines for applications are 10th February 2025 and 10th May 2025
The Screwfix Foundation supports projects to improve, fix, and repair buildings, homes and facilities specifically used by people in need (i.e. financial hardship, sickness, disability or other disadvantage or distress).
The Foundation awards up to £5,000 for the following types of projects:
- Improved energy efficient lighting and heating
- Installation of new kitchen, bathroom etc
- Installation of a sensory room
- General painting and decorating
- Improving safety and security of a building
Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
The Trustees approve applications at their quarterly Trustees meetings in March, June, September and December.
Tel: 01935 414100
Email: [email protected]
Green Hall Foundation
The next round opens on 3rd March 2025 (9am)
IMPORTANT! Plan your application and be ready to submit at 9am 5th March . Only the first 150 applications will go forward to the Trustees for consideration at each meeting. Once the limit has been reached, the application cycle will be closed, which is normally within two days.
The Green Hall Foundation’s objective is to sustainably improve lives among the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged.
The Foundation supports special projects with tangible benefits, for example specific equipment or buildings that will make a lasting difference. (Please note, they don’t fund salaries or running costs).
Typical size of grant is in the region of £1,000 to £10,000. The trustees prefer to contribute the majority of a project’s costs. They also prefer to contribute to projects that will benefit a number of beneficiaries rather than just a few.
The Trustees meet twice yearly to consider applications, in May and November. Each May meeting is open to charities in all income brackets. Each November meetings is only open to charities with an annual income of £250,000 or less.
The Foundation accepts applications from registered charities throughout the UK.
Tel: 01534 487757
Matrix Causes Fund
Next deadline for applications is 31st March 2025
(Next roundApplications are accepted between 1 July 2025 and 30 September 2025)
Seems very competitive – they only accept 30 applications per round
The Matrix Causes Fund supports charities promoting access to justice (particularly people trying to get support for basic needs), equal opportunities or a sustainable environment.The Fund is especially interested in work with vulnerable groups including prisoners; asylum seekers; people with mental health difficulties; people (particularly children) with disabilities; and women in refuges.
Two levels of funding: One-off grants up to £5,000 ; Grants up to £3,000 a year for three years
Funding is for items or activities such as publications, staff/volunteer training, publicity, events and equipment which will benefit many people in the long-term.
Causes they have previously funded include Why Me? UK; School Home Support; Arts Lab; London Black Women’s Project; and Chapter Mental Health.
Tel: 020 7404 3447
Email: [email protected]
WCVA Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant Scheme
Closing date 2 May 2025.
This year’s Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant will work to unlock the potential for further embedding and/or upscaling of co-ordinated volunteering. Grant requests are welcome for projects up to 18 months with a value of between £50,000-£100,000.
Groups can raise money through :
Donations eg by individuals ot organisations
Grants eg councils, charitable trusts & foundations, lotteries.
Events eg annual fairs
Selling goods eg crafts, food, equipment
Selling services eg training, consultancy, room / equipment hire
Sponsorship by other organisations such as local businesses
Contracts eg with a local council – better for more established groups