
The Cwtch Club


23 March 2022    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

An invitation for carers to The Cwtch Club on the 23rd March 2022 in Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Penarth, at 2pm.                        

Covid regulations are changing and we will be adhering to the requirements which may mean that you will be asked to test before you join us and wear a mask. We may be able to provide hot drinks and snacks but please feel free to bring your own.

We want to hear about your experiences as carers in Cardiff and the Vale and share with you ways in which we can further share those experiences with the organisations which provide them.

But mostly, we just want to bring carers together, face to face at last, and have a chat and a laugh where possible – I think we all need a bit of that.

If you would like to bring the person for whom you care with you, they would be most welcome.

With best wishes in these difficult times,



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