Cymorth Cymru Annual Conference 10th– 12th May- see more here
As Wales looks to a post-pandemic future the homelessness, housing and support sector can be incredibly proud of everything it has done to keep people safe and continue to provide high quality support. However, we know that the last two years have been incredibly challenging, and the transformation agenda means that we still have so much to do. This year’s Annual Conference will focus on the themes of compassion and transformati
Speakers include:
- Matt and Jess Turtle – Co-founders, Museum of Homelessness
- Jo Hopkins – Director, ACE Support Hub
- Charlotte Waite – Senior Programme Manager, Nesta
- Clare Budden – Chair of the Workforce Task and Finish Group
- Jennie Bibbings – Head of Campaigns, Shelter Cymru
- Pete Mackie – Reader, Cardiff University
- And more to be announced!