
Phoenix Heroes Activities Cymru CIC

Community Interest Company - No: 15230708



Aims & Objectives


Phoenix Heroes Activities Cymru CIC deliver free diversionary
group activities in a safe and inclusive environment for
individuals who recognise their drug and/or alcohol use has
become problematic including those with co-occurring mental
health challenges; known as dual diagnosis.





Free weekly & monthly indoor & outdoor diversionary activities
including (activities will evolve with participant feedback) but
not limited to:
* Voluntary maintenance projects at the Cosmeston replica
Medieval Village
* Voluntary nature conservation visits at Cosmeston
Country Park
* Cooking on a Budget classes
* Wellbeing/litter pick walks at public parks & beaches
* Boule
* Board Games
* Frisbee Games
* Clay pottery workshops
* Water based activities
* Graffiti art workshops
* Music Workshops
* DJ/mixing Workshops
* Spoken word/Poetry Workshops
* Group dog walks
* Arts & Crafts Club
* Breakfast Club
* Cinema visits
* Gardening/allotment projects
* Pleasure boat and leisure fishing trips
Phoenix Heroes will also develop external/independent
volunteering opportunities for interested participants as well as
the facilitation of and/or signposting to training courses from
third party accredited specialist providers in various topics
from building resilience to job interview skills, as examples.





Eligibility: Anyone over 18 years of age engaged with any
statutory or third sector services who directly support
individuals or work alongside/interact with individuals that are
living with or at risk of; substance use and/or co-occurring
mental health (dual diagnosis) challenges. This includes those
who may still be engaged in substance use due to medical
maintenance reasons.


Referrals must be made in writing with the following
information required: participant name, date of birth, contact
phone and/or email and any known relevant risks for the
individual concerned, along with the name of the referrer with
the contact details of the referring agency/body.



Last Updated: July 24, 2024
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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