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215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ

Telephone (switchboard): 020 7931 8080

Freephone confidential helpline: 0808 800 0303 (9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 2.30pm Saturday)

Parkinson’s UK brings people with Parkinson’s, their carers and families together via their network of local groups, website and free confidential helpline. Specialist nurses, their supporters and staff provide information and training on every aspect of Parkinson’s. Their publications and resources cover a wide range of topics related to Parkinson’s. 

You can download or order all items free of charge, telephone 0330 124 3250 to order leaflets.

As the UK’s Parkinson’s support and research charity they’re leading the work to find a cure; and are closer than ever. They also campaign to change attitudes and demand better services.

Parkinson’s can turn your world upside down – you can turn to us. Get in touch today.

Last Updated: October 28, 2019
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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