
Llais (the old Community Health Council)

National Organisation


Aims & Objectives

We believe in a healthier Wales where people get the health and social care services they need in a way that works best for them. We are here to understand your views and experiences of health and social care services, which are shared with decision-makers to shape the services. We seek to understand what works well and how services can be improved, and we look to particularly talk to those whose voices are not often heard. We talk to people about their views and experiences at events in your local communities or when visiting health or social care service providers. When things go wrong we can support you to make complaints. You can contact us to share your experiences by email, phone or via our contact form.



Complaints Advocacy Service - If you need to raise a concern about an NHS or social care service, you can talk to us. Our trained, dedicated complaints advocacy staff will provide you with the free, independent, and confidential support you are entitled to.

They will help you raise your concern and:

  • Support you to make a complaint about a service, care or treatment provided or paid for by the NHS or local authority
  • Support you to make a complaint on someone else’s behalf, including if someone has died
  • Listen to your concerns
  • Put you in touch with other organisations if we think that someone else can also help
  • Answer questions about the process and explain your options
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to the process and offer some tips

Get in touch with  your local Llais team  and one of our team will talk to you about your concern, what sort of help you think you require and if you have any particular needs such as large print materials or access to someone who can sign.

If we can help you, we’ll tell you how. If we can’t, we’ll do our best to advise who can.


Volunteering Opportunities

We have volunteers across all regions of Wales.

Volunteers get involved for many reasons. Some want to make a positive difference to the lives of others; some want to develop new skills and some simply want to meet new people and have fun. Every person who volunteers for us is important to our work. At Llais we have several volunteer roles. These include:

  • Online Feedback Collector - Collecting feedback about people’s experiences of health and social care
    services that have been left online.


  • Visiting Volunteer - You’ll meet people online or in person at health and social care settings on pre-arranged visits to understand what they think works and what could be better.


  • Community Engagement Volunteer - You’ll join a local Llais team to meet people online and face-to face in the community, to capture their views and experiences of health and social care services.


  • Representation Volunteer - You’ll attend meetings and events on behalf of Llais, putting forward our viewpoint, and making notes of the meeting to feedback relevant information.


As a volunteer you may wish to take on several roles, or you may choose areas where you have a special interest. We will discuss and agree this with you.



Members of the general public can access the service. If anyone would like support they contact their local Llais Office.


Last Updated: January 2, 2025
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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