

Registered Charity

Summary of aims & objectives:

The Henna Foundation is a national registered charity committed to strengthening families within Muslim communities. Special attention and support is given to meet the needs of Muslim women, young people and children, ensuring that the Foundation acts as brokers, supporting positive engagement between marginalised sections of Muslim communities and the voluntary, statutory and government agencies and service providers.

A significant percentage of Henna Foundation’s work involves complex VAW casework; supporting and seeking assistance to protect victims of ‘Honour’ based violence (HBV), abuse and crimes, including cases of Forced Marriages and abandoned wives and children. Our experience further extends to supporting victims through Criminal and Family Court proceedings


The Foundation has been working for over a decade and operates a ‘One Stop’ shop service that offers advice, support, sign-posting and advocacy for vulnerable individuals and families that are faced with social pressures including isolation and the difficulties and challenges of family and community life.


Anyone can make a referral to this service.


Henna Foundation, 4 Museum Place, Cardiff CF10 3BG

Tel: 029 2049 6920

Email: [email protected]

Last Updated: September 9, 2015
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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