
Charity No. 1134900

Cardiff, Barry

Aims & Objectives: To promote religious and racial harmony by developing and strengthening good relations between individuals of all beliefs, races and cultures, thus fostering a spirit of kinship, mutual understanding and respect among the peoples of the world

Services: The FAN Charity promotes the development of sustainable, FAN (Friends and Neighbours) groups where people meet, listen and talk in a safe, welcoming space. We meet on Zoom or face to face, groups are free, take place in accessible venues and are open to anyone friendly. We talk in turn about ourselves, our week and a chosen topic. Come to FAN and feel less lonely, feel more connected; if you are learning English or Welsh coming to FAN can be a great way to improve your skills. Groups last no more than an hour.

Groups meet weekly in Cardiff, Barry and across South Wales.

Referrals: Groups are open to anyone friendly. Referrals and self referrals can be made to the contacts below or via our website or other social media. FAN welcomes opportunities to share our structured model with other organisations.


Sarah Duncan-Jones 07880630553 [email protected]

Janina Kuczyz 07512638792 [email protected]


Twitter @thefancharity

Last Updated: August 9, 2021
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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