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Cardiff Mind Ltd

  Area Covered: Cardiff residents only Voluntary Sector Agency No.1020633 Mission Statement and Aims: Cardiff Mind promotes positive mental wellbeing through empowering and supporting people to access opportunities to give them independence and quality of life. Aims To provide services that place the consumer at their centre and that enable the consumer to discover and […]
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      Aims & Objectives   We believe in a healthier Wales where people get the health and social care services they need in a way that works best for them. We are here to understand your views and experiences of health and social care services, which are shared with decision-makers to shape the […]
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Platfform- the Hangout

The Hangout- Platfform  The Hangout is a wellbeing & mental health service for young people in Cardiff and the Vale aged 11-18. Our aim is simple: be somewhere where young people can connect with others, feel part of their community and access mental health support Services We offer drop-in and booked 1-1 wellbeing support, wellbeing-focused […]
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