
Primary Mental Health and Wellbeing

Showing 5 results

Education Programme for Patients and Carers (EPP)

Free NHS, Self-Help programme for anyone with long-term health conditions (physical or mental health) or unpaid carers looking after a friend or family member. Aims & Objectives: The aim of the programme is to learn new skills to help self-manage long-term health conditions or being a carer. Cardiff and Vale Provide 6 week courses (2½ […]

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing isn’t about being cured of psychological problems like depression or anxiety, it’s… …taking steps in the right direction. Stepiau is a service developed by the Primary Mental Health Support Service (PMHSS) for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Stepiau primarily provides accessible self help resources and links to local services as a first […]

POBL Floating Support Cardiff

Charity number: 1161479   Aims and Objectives   To help support tenants with potential risk of homelessness and to prevent homelessness.   To support clients through eviction process   To signpost clients to relevant organisations to assist with tenancy issues       Type of organisation   Support Workers for tenancy and housing related issues […]
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Primary Mental Health Support Service

The PMHSS is a service for people aged 18 or over living with common mental health difficulties, such as depression and anxiety. We accept referrals from GPs and other mental health teams. The service is for people who want to learn new ways of helping themselves. The service offers assessments and a range of interventions […]

Wild Rhythm

Company number 14833981   Aims & Objectives   We’re a not-for-profit organisation based in Cardiff, South Wales, with community and wellbeing being at the heart of what we do.   Our aim is to get more people connected to nature, which among its many benefits, helps improve our physical and mental health   Why Nature? Research […]
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Showing 5 results
Directory Group

Education Programme for Patients and Carers (EPP)

Free NHS, Self-Help programme for anyone with long-term health conditions (physical or mental health) or unpaid carers looking after a friend or family member. Aims & Objectives: The aim of the programme is to learn new skills to help self-manage long-term health conditions or being a carer. Cardiff and Vale Provide 6 week courses (2½ […]

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing isn’t about being cured of psychological problems like depression or anxiety, it’s… …taking steps in the right direction. Stepiau is a service developed by the Primary Mental Health Support Service (PMHSS) for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Stepiau primarily provides accessible self help resources and links to local services as a first […]

POBL Floating Support Cardiff

Charity number: 1161479   Aims and Objectives   To help support tenants with potential risk of homelessness and to prevent homelessness.   To support clients through eviction process   To signpost clients to relevant organisations to assist with tenancy issues       Type of organisation   Support Workers for tenancy and housing related issues […]
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Primary Mental Health Support Service

The PMHSS is a service for people aged 18 or over living with common mental health difficulties, such as depression and anxiety. We accept referrals from GPs and other mental health teams. The service is for people who want to learn new ways of helping themselves. The service offers assessments and a range of interventions […]

Wild Rhythm

Company number 14833981   Aims & Objectives   We’re a not-for-profit organisation based in Cardiff, South Wales, with community and wellbeing being at the heart of what we do.   Our aim is to get more people connected to nature, which among its many benefits, helps improve our physical and mental health   Why Nature? Research […]
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