This Directory was compiled initially in 2003 by Cardiff & Vale Mental Health Development Project [now cavamh - Cardiff and Vale Action for Mental Health] with funding and support from the then Bro Taf Health Authority, Cardiff Local Authority and Cardiff Local Health Group. Support has also been forthcoming from a number of agencies, including Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust , Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust, Vale of Glamorgan Council, Vale Local Health Group, and Cardiff & Vale Mental Health Forum.
Primarily intended for providers of services, it includes information for both statutory and voluntary sector services.
The last hardcopy edition of the Directory in 2011 was funded by Cardiff Council, and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board. We would also like to thank all contributors, both voluntary and statutory for their input.
Despite our best efforts we are aware that the contents are not exhaustive. Comments on all aspects of this Directory are very welcome, and can be addressed to:
Tel: 029 2022 2000
email: [email protected]