
Wild Rhythm

Company number 14833981


Aims & Objectives


We’re a not-for-profit organisation based in Cardiff, South Wales, with community and wellbeing being at the heart of what we do.


Our aim is to get more people connected to nature, which among its many benefits, helps improve our physical and mental health


Why Nature? Research shows that nature connection can help us feel more relaxed, reduce stress, find inspiration, creativity and meaning among many other things. It also helps support physical health through natural exercise, improved immune system functioning and reduced blood pressure.



Our services are available to everyone but we put focus into:


  •  Supporting people with their mental health
  • Enabling people with learning disabilities to enjoy the benefits of nature
  • Improving independence and empowering neurodiverse people
  • Promoting nature connection with young people
  • Men’s mental health
  • Encourage social connections






We offer a variety of services that can be tailored to all different needs and abilities. Services include:


  • Guided walks
  • Nature connection workshops
  • Making music in nature
  • Sounds baths
  • Nature arts and crafts



Each walk or workshops tends to look different due to them being bespoke but they typically include walking (or other movement) in nature where we cover things like
mindfulness and mediation, group discussions and knowledge sharing, fun nature-based activities, and more


Our services are available at a group level or 1:2:1




We run various walks and workshops throughout the year or we can arrange bespoke sessions on request or referral



Last Updated: May 23, 2024
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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