
APCymru – Celebrating Neurodiversity

Charity No. 1148010


AP Cymru are striving to make the world a better place for neurodivergent children and young people.

AP Cymru provides a toolkit of empowerment /guidance, knowledge and understanding through lived-experience via Support Services, Workshops, Training, Clinics and our Family Activity Programme. This enables and empowers the parent/carer with the necessary expertise and knowledge to remove societal barriers that may prevent the child/young person from flourishing and reaching their full potential.

It has become evident during the 12 years of supporting children and young people that other family members often present with neurodivergent characteristics; this may result in AP Cymru providing support to recently identified extended family members.

AP Cymru provide a peer support outreach service for families going through the diagnostic process, and the crucial months which follow, by pooling together our lived experience to provide a warm, friendly, and accessible service. The majority of our staff are Neurodiverse and are parents to Neurodiverse children, so we are able to provide well-rounded, positive, and understanding information to parent/carers.

Families can be referred by professionals or self-refer via website or contact us via telephone or email

Supporting Document : https://heyzine.com/flip-book/1b9f615219.html#page/1


Last Updated: May 22, 2024
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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